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Energy audits

Energy auditors and large enterprises are obligated to provide following information to the operator of the Monitoring system of energy efficiency:

1. Energy audit – energy auditors


Act num.  Section num. Obligated party Schedule Implementing regulation
321/2014 Z. z. § 12 par. 11) energy auditor 31. march –          annex num. 5 from notice of Ministry of economy (MH SR) num. 179/2015 Z. z.

–          set of data from each energy audit conducted in previous calendar year

Set of data according to § 12 par. 11) must be reported in following form:

EN_Set_of_data_for_monitoring_system.xlsx (14 KB)

If you have performed multiple energy audits during the year, we prefer you send one email with multiple xlsx files attached, each file for each audit. This helps to facilitate processing and archiving for the monitoring system, thank you.

NOTES: You can send multiple emails as well if you need to. Size of one email should not exceed 8 MB.

Please send the email to address: audit@siea.gov.sk

2. Energy audit – large enterprise

According to § 14 par. 7 act num. 321/2014 Z. z. is large enterprise obliged to provide electronic set of data and summary information sheet to the operator of the Monitoring system of energy efficiency no later than 30 days after the creation of summary information sheet.


Act num.  Section num. Obligated party Schedule Implementing regulation
321/2014 Z. z.  § 14 par. 7 large enterprise no later than 30 days after the creation of summary information sheet –       annex num. 4 and annex num. 5 from notice of Ministry of economy (MH SR) num. 179/2015 Z. z.

–       set of data from each energy audit conducted in previous calendar year

321/2014 Z. z.  § 14 par. 8 large enterprise no later than 30 days after the written request has been recieved written report from energy audit

 Set of data according to § 14 par. 7) must be reported in following form:

EN_Set_of_data_for_monitoring_system.xlsx (14 KB)

EN_Summary_information_sheet.xlsx (10 KB)

Please send the email to address: audit@siea.gov.sk


For more information please contact us at: audit@siea.gov.sk